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Tuesday, 20 January 2015

2015 Rose Day Glittering Cards| HD Wallpapers| Quotes| sms


2015 rose day glittering cards|wallpapers|quotes|sms
How cunningly nature hide every wrinkle of her inconceivable antiquity under roses and violets and morning dew!

2015 rose day glittering cards|wallpapers|quotes|sms

With this rose, I reveal all my thoughts and feelings about you
that I have withheld for so long.I feel when I am with you I am like a rose,not because of it?s beauty,but because I am able to bloom and grow with you
2015 rose day glittering cards|wallpapers|quotes|sms

Love is like a rose. It looks beautiful on the outside but there is always pain hidden some where.
2015 rose day glittering cards|wallpapers|quotes|sms

Lovely roses lovely u and lovely r the things u do but the loveliest is the friendship of the two one is me and other is u,happy rose day

2015 rose day glittering cards|wallpapers|quotes|sms

I believe the most beautiful flower in world are the roses. Roses are the universal language in most parts of the world, because when given to someone special ,they express love and passion.

2015 rose day glittering cards|wallpapers|quotes|sms

The fragrance of religious and spiritual life  is much finer and subtler than that of rose

2015 rose day glittering cards|wallpapers|quotes|sms

My eyes are blind without your eyes to see, similar to a rose without color. Love you forever Happy Rose Day

2015 rose day glittering cards|wallpapers|quotes|sms

 The sweetest flower that blows,I give you as we part. For u it is a Rose, for me it is my heart.
2013 rose day glittering cards|wallpapers|quotes|sms

 The red rose whispers of passion, and white rose  breathes  of love; the red rose is a falcon, and the white rose is a dove .
2015 rose day glittering cards|wallpapers|quotes|sms

Love is much like a wild rose, beautiful and calm but willing to draw blood in its defense.

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